The sacred relationships Jesus had presents such a feast for us. As He interacted with them thousands of years ago, He teaches us today. His timeless teachings, as He sat in the home of Mary and Martha, teach us much more than quizzically pondering struggles within family interactions, expectations, the need for humility, and the importance of feasting upon the word of God. After calling for Martha’s attention, He taught her that one thing is needful. His words carried so much more than a chiding to let things of a domestic nature rest. Jesus was trying to teach us that if we become fixated upon the concerns of life, the philosophies, perspectives, and paradigms of the world have the power to completely shut out eternal spiritual virtues. When blinded by this reality our hearts become darkened, we begin to feel lost, not knowing why.
Through Mary’s example, Jesus taught us that when our complete focus is on Him and we immerse our thoughts upon the holy words of God, our hearts remain in a soft, submissive state, always reaching heavenward. The process of becoming Christlike becomes a thrilling, constant renewal guided by the Holy Spirit.